We have a wide selction of papers and services to fit your printing needs.
We can also assist with the graphic design of your copies.Please send an-mail to for more information.
Self-service black and white copiers are available for your use during business hours. We also have full service black and white and color copies.
Digital Copies
These are copies that once submitted via our website go directly from the computer to the copier which results in the highest quality copies. Available in both black and white and full color copies in sizes up to 11x17. » Please read our Electronic File Guidelines for more information.
Wide selection of paper
Color Paper list:
Re-Entry Red
Fireball Fuchsia
Orbit Orange
Terrestrial Teal
Celestial Blue
Planetary Purple
Gamma Green
Terra Green
Notes on papers:
Our standard white paper is 30% recycled as are our color and premium papers (Some color and premium papers have a higher percentage).
A limited amount of all papers are available in the letter or 8.5 x 11 size. Other sizes, legal (8.5 x 14) and ledger (11 x 17) may be available, but will most likely need to be ordered in advance, please allow 2-3 days. Some papers may be available in card stock (a heavier weight). Please order in advance and allow 2-3 days.
If you desire a paper other than one in our current selection please, contact us directly. We can match most papers you may have on hand and have a much greater selection from which we can order, again allow 2-3 days.